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Simple ML

We will use some Kaggle Competitions to get started with Machine Learning. The following are some simple starting points for Machine Learning:

ML Kategorien


Fashion Mnist (Zalando)

The Movie Database (TMDb) Box Office Prediction

Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster

With R-Studio

House Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques


Beer Consumption

Challenge 1:

The file beer_consumption.csv contains information about the weather, day and beer consumption per day in Sao Paulo. The aim is to predict the beer consumption (in liters) based on the remaining information. Complete the following tasks in a Jupyter Notebook named challenge1.ipynb: a. Do a short exploratory data analysis to see what information is given and what basic properties the data has. b. Split the data randomly into 80% (292 days) to train a linear model and 20% (73 days) to calculate the MSE of the trained model on “new” data. c. Improve the model through feature engineering, e.g. by ignoring some features or creating new ones.

Challenge 2: Complete the following tasks in a Jupyter Notebook named optional_challenge1.ipynb: a. Load the beer consumption data from Sao Paulo (beer_consumption.csv) and split it into 80% training and 20% test data. (Better: use a 5-fold cross validation). b. Train different linear models (LinearRegression, Lasso, RidgeRegression, ElasticNet) to predict the beer consumption based on the given data. c. Find the best model by tuning hyperparameters and feature engineering (e.g. ignoring some features or creating new ones).

Phoneme Input: Recordings of 5 phonemes (given as log-periodogram) • Output: Phoneme („aa“, „ao“, „dcl“, „iy“, „sh“) • Dataset: Log-periodogram and phoneme of 4509 recordings • Aim: Predict phoneme based on log-periodogram

The file phoneme.csv contains recordings of phonemes (as log-periodogram) and a corresponding label of the phoneme. The aim is to predict the phoneme based on its log-periodogram. Complete the following tasks in a Jupyter Notebook named optional_challenge2.ipynb: a. Do an exploratory data analysis to see what information is given and what basic properties the data has. b. Use a 5-fold cross validation to find an optimal classifier by: • Training different classification models • Tuning hyperparameters of the models • Feature engineering


Based on the Tecator dataset, a classification problem can be defined. We define meat samples with a fat content of ≤ 20% as “low-fat” and with > 20% as “highfat”. The aim is to classify a meat sample as low-/high-fat based on its absorbance spectrum. Create a Jupyter Notebook named challenge2.ipynb to solve the following task. Find an optimal classifier by • Training different classification models • Tuning hyperparameters of the models • Feature engineering Use 5-fold cross validation to estimate the accuracy. The aim is to define a classifier with an accuracy > 95%. It is possible to achieve > 99% with feature engineering and a simple model.

Step-by-Step Guide